Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Things that have happened since November 25th

1) I found out that I knocked up the missus

2) The Patriots blew a playoff game against an inferior Denver team

3) X-Box 360 still is not available

4) President Bush made his 5th annual speech about "alternative fuels" (read: "We can keep giving billions to the oil companies if I say we'll stop 20 years from now, nudge nudge, wink wink")

5) They shot the Allstate insurance spokesman - stupid writers...

6) Someone renamed April January - what the heck happened to winter?

7) My least favorite show (and unfortunately, the missus' favorite) American Idol is back on the air.

8) My cats are still crazy, meowing at the ceiling, and chasing invisible creatures up and down the stair

9) We found a good Italian restaurant in Philly (finally)

10) I finished my heart failure rotation... twice.

A brief description of the heart failure rotation: 80% of my patients had hearts that pumped out 5% of their volume with every contraction. For those of you in the non-medical realm, that's bad. Hard to walk across the room with that. What is impressive is that half of them were under 50 - we have a pretty big transplant service, so it is a lot of young people waiting in the hospital for new hearts. On of my patients that got a new heart 2 weeks ago had been sitting in the hospital with an artificial heart pump since October.